Android – How to add a progress dialog to your app

This site was totally helpful when it came to explaining how to add a progress dialog.  Using threads and handlers is totally the way to go:

But I had a problem because, like this other guy, I am an idiot, too:

I was relying too much on Eclipse when I had this error.  I tried to use the code from the first website but kept getting an error about not being able to override handleMessage().  It kept telling me to remove the @Override clause.  But doing that causes the progress dialog to never go away because the handler method never gets called.  I had to import the “Message” library just like this other dude did.  I was relying too much on Eclipse.


Lucasfilm frowns on “unauthorized” use of the word “droid”

Last time I checked, the term “droid” is short for “android” and originated in the 1970s.

It’s disturbing when a corporation tries to regulate usage of natural language:


Android app cannot access Internet

While making a new Android app, I kept receiving errors like UnknownHostException, null pointers, and unresolved hosts.

It turns out you need to add a permission to your app within the app’s manifest file:

uses-permission android:name=”android.permission.INTERNET” />

Massive props goes out to this site for helping me out:

Sierra Wireless C885 Aircard cannot see micro SD card

Hey party people,

I have a Sierra Wireless C885 Aircard. The 3G portion of it works fine. I can connect to 3G/EDGE/GPRS networks just fine. But I have tried inserting 2GB and 4GB micro SD cards in it to no avail. The memory card doesn’t get recognized in Mac and Win32 PCs. What’s wrong with it?


How to view and kill tasks from the command line in Windows XP

So I was sitting in an Internet shop today and needed to check what processes were running in the background. I hate using Internet shops because you never know what kind of viruses/virii and keyloggers may be lurking in the background.

But many shops disable ctrl-alt-del, thus preventing you from opening the task manager. I’m sure there is a way to do this from windows->start but I don’t remember.

But I found this useful tidbit of information…use tasklist and tskill to save your life. They work similar to ps and kill in Linux.

More information a this site:
