How to add/delete items from the Finder’s left-hand favorites bar (Mac OS X)

Sometimes the simplest of tasks baffle me.  I’m not exactly sure why, but sometimes files end up on my “Favorites” list on the lefthand side of the Finder.  The only links I like to use are those for my home folder, documents, downloads, etc.  I don’t want extra garbage.  So how do you get rid of them?

It’s easy.  Just hold the “command” button down, click and hold on the item you wish to remove, and drag it off the Finder’s window.  You should see a small cloud and hear a faint “poof” sound.  That’s the sound of items getting removed from your Finder window!

This also works for adding items, but instead off dragging away from the Finder window you should drag onto it.  This came in handy when my “Macintosh HD” shortcut disappeared somehow.

I read this discussion thread here to get help.  You might find it useful as well.




5 thoughts on “How to add/delete items from the Finder’s left-hand favorites bar (Mac OS X)

  1. It’s easy, but far form intuitive — this coming from a looooongtime mac user who considers himself pretty facile with the OS. A Ctrl-Click (or right click) would have been a more intuitive UI choice.

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