Android – How to add a progress dialog to your app

This site was totally helpful when it came to explaining how to add a progress dialog.  Using threads and handlers is totally the way to go:

But I had a problem because, like this other guy, I am an idiot, too:

I was relying too much on Eclipse when I had this error.  I tried to use the code from the first website but kept getting an error about not being able to override handleMessage().  It kept telling me to remove the @Override clause.  But doing that causes the progress dialog to never go away because the handler method never gets called.  I had to import the “Message” library just like this other dude did.  I was relying too much on Eclipse.


How to view and kill tasks from the command line in Windows XP

So I was sitting in an Internet shop today and needed to check what processes were running in the background. I hate using Internet shops because you never know what kind of viruses/virii and keyloggers may be lurking in the background.

But many shops disable ctrl-alt-del, thus preventing you from opening the task manager. I’m sure there is a way to do this from windows->start but I don’t remember.

But I found this useful tidbit of information…use tasklist and tskill to save your life. They work similar to ps and kill in Linux.

More information a this site:


How to create a swap file in OpenSolaris

Here is an excellent resource on how to create a swap file in OpenSolaris. I needed this because I kept running out of memory as I was evaluating build 125 when using VMWare Fusion on my MacBook even though I had the VM set for 1 GB of RAM.

How to fix the dreaded EEE PC wireless “pending” problem.

Okay, so this isn’t a total solution, but here goes. I have owned an Asus Eee PC 701 for years now. In fact, I bought it the same month it was released. In any case, it has been a great little PC, except for it’s bloody wireless issues. On many wi-fi connections, it simply won’t connect, only giving a “pending” or “sleeping” message after it fails to get an IP address.

A lot of people have reported fixes to this that require access to the communicating router. Unfortunately, this doesn’t quite work out when you are out in public.

Although there are probably tons of reasons why this happens (and believe me, I’m sure it happened to me for more than one reason in the past), the one fix that just worked for me now was simple.

When you first try to connect, it may falsely assume you are trying to use WEP. I figured this out when I went into the settings wizard and was greeted with an error message when I tried to click okay. It told me my password was an invalid length or format. I knew I typed the password in correctly, so I switched from WEP to WPA and it worked!

